Back again with a new and genuine way to Earn money online. You know what, in 21st century everyone in this earth is just thinking of earning online without any physical effort and it is being possible by Internet. So, in this post I am gonna drive you through the journey of earning money simply by shortening some of the links Most of you would be familiar with this and are in way to earn by it. So I am gonna talk about some of the best URL Shortening websites for you guys but before that if you are not aware of link shortening here is a quick overview for you guys. Also read How to earn money by DropShipping. What URL Shortening Is? URL Shortening is a technique on World Wide Web in which a very long URL is shorten which redirects you to the same webpage whose link you had shortened. Generally URLs are very long which are sometime very irritating so to shorten them URL shortening sites are used. But nowadays it is also a technique to ...
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